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Paul Heyman

CEO & CO Founder

This is the main factor that sets us apart from our competition and allows us to deliver a specialist business consultancy service

Experience:25 Years
Email Address:Broadxhelp@gmail.com
Phone Number:+1 888 098-90987

Personal Information

Since joining Broadx in 2009, Matilda has helped turn the company from a group of bright technology minds working with startups into a global Digital Product Engineering Services leader helping Fortune 500 companies on their innovation agenda. In Matilda`s time as President and CEO of company, the company has experienced explosive growth in size and revenue – all while developing a culture that fosters engaged employees around innovation.

Matilda is a frequent speaker on the topics of global innovation and digital disruption. She is also an avid cook and history buff. You can find him dining late at night with the chefs of the hotels where he stays during his travels, or reading in his home library.

Early Years

He is a services industry veteran with a diversified wealth of expertise that includes worldwide operations, delivery, process improvements, mergers and acquisitions, and integration, as well as sales and business.

He is responsible for all delivery, operations, talent recruitment and management, and information technology. Matilda is a frequent speaker on the topics of global innovation and digital disruption

Broadx experience

If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be all while developing a culture that fosters engaged sure

Internet Installation


TV Setup


WiFi Connected


Future Solution

Prior to joining company, she spent 20+ years at Inmosys, where he held a wide range of global leadership roles, from services to products, and across operations and sales. Most recently, he was SVP & Global Head of the Manufacturing business, as well as a board member of their software subsidiary. He is also an avid cook and history buff. You can find him dining late at night with the chefs of the hotels where he stays during his travels.

She is responsible for all delivery, operations, talent recruitment and management, and information technology. She is responsible for the alignment and prioritization of company investments — enabling growth, consistency, efficiency.

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